Roles & Permission

Roles and Permissions allow the administrator to control access to CloudBankIn based on the roles are assigned to Users and what Permissions are assigned to roles. On the Roles and Permissions page, the customization of roles and selecting permissions can be done.

Roles – Roles are assigned to users. The User’s role determines what functions are allowed to perform within the CloudBankIn system. A user can be assigned to more than one role, thus providing him access to different functions.

Permissions – Permissions determines what functions are assigned to roles, which in turn determines what tasks a user can able to do in the CloudBankIn system.

Go to Admin ->> System ->> Manage Roles and Permissions.

Roles & Permissions

In the View Roles page, it shows a list of roles defined within the organization. 

View Roles
Click on the roles to view the permissions that are defined in each role. The user can Edit or Delete the role if he has Super User privileges.
List of Permissions

Assign Roles and Permission

To assign roles and permission, Go to Admin ->> System ->> Manage Roles and Permission ->> Add Role.

Create New Role
 In the Add Role form, update the new role details and click Submit.
Add New Role

Add Permissions to Role

Once Submit the new role it will land in the permissions pages where the user can assign the permissions for the particular role. 

Click on Edit and select the permissions that need to be assigned to the role, then click Submit. 

Add Permissions to role

Configure to different permission

CloudBankIn provided a feature for configuring multiple types of permissions for a particular role under different criteria. The below image shows the different sets of permissions that are assigned to a role. 
List of Permissions

If the user wants to provide certain permissions on Configuration, then click on it. A set of permissions under Configuration are displayed on the right side of the permissions list.

Select the permission

Select the Permissions that need to be assigned and click Submit. Similarly, the configuration can be done for the rest of the permissions.